Tuesday, September 23, 2008


what is life?? do all of us define it differently?? does it deppend on how we look at it..?? or does it depepnd on how it unravells itself???we think we are the rulers of our life... things n life shape up according to our plan..but then..does it always?? wen we say we are the rulers/makers of our destiny.. then why do things dont go our way?? why does it happen tat we plan something and something else happens..??why is life full of surprises?? full of happiness??and yet at times appears to be full of disappointments??
why is it a roller coaster ride..?? why ?? why ?? why???

sounds funny ?? hehehe.. but cant help it.. i wanna know why why??????


author_number_2 said...

hope you've left all the frustration on the post!
life is a roller coaster ride just because there's no fun walking the same path over and again!! exploring new areas and emotions is WHY we're here ;)

Nerissa said...

Maybe life is answering all the never ending "whys".That's why it is called an adventure. I think we shouldn't exhaust ourselves answering all of those questions at one tine because at one point or another, it will just unfold itself....