Boy is ORKUT on a roll or what! Looks like everyone who made it might as well take steroids to get rid of the high!! And why not, every one in India is just glued onto it...right from all the children in their high school to all the dudes(read duds) and women(read wuss') who think that they are as young as their sons or daughters in college! Jokes apart, this kind of obsession, that is makin these people addicted to the so called "social community", is turning people into maniacs who would not think twice before scamperin up a tree, only to gain acceptance in the so called virtual world created by some person who is on the lookout for his long-lost love. I mean..come on people, if u really wanna talk to some friends...why not hang out at a coffee place or go to the movies! and puhleezzz, dont give me the cliched phrase that -"we dont have the time", coz if u really didnt have the time...u wdnt be wastin it online...
I dont understand why people fail to realize that such a social community actually causes more harm than good. I believe that people should once in a while stop and ponder about why they are living such a precarious life and how they can improve it, rather than just gettin a homepage which is full of half-cooked lies and actually be proud about it. One question to all such people would be as to "why has this sudden need to put yourself into this virtual world full of pea-brained perverts who would jerk off the minute they saw a picture of a girl, make its way into your mind and how can you actually be smug about it?"...i just hate to ponder over that!!
By this time half of you are already grossed out by the graphic descriptions given so far and are on the verge of throwin up. I agree, and so is the shit in which all of us have suddenly been thrust into by these hyped up "communities". Some may add that "usually this is the influence of the western culture"...also sayin that if things like this existed, people would opt for these things. then id wanna ask them, if u didnt opt for somethin like this in the first place, then why would somethin like this exist in the first place and even if it did, it would have to be shut down, wouldnt it?? Also, ask any guy whether he had gone through a girl's profile he didnt know, for all the obvious reasons...and wat answer do you get??BINGO..!
And now comin to some of the tricks of the trade ---- u know javascript??cool, then you can increase your fan count by how-much ever you want!! Scrapbook low on scraps??? javascript would help u there too!! want a funky profile??? let someone else design wat u can call ur "virtual self"...disgusting!! I say out with all the nonsense. If you are really that much into marketing yourself, y not go and look for a career in it rather than wastin your whole life tryin to be someones "fan"...and not to forget the comparisions between people about how many scraps have they had and how much their fan count is and so on....
I dont understand why people fail to realize that such a social community actually causes more harm than good. I believe that people should once in a while stop and ponder about why they are living such a precarious life and how they can improve it, rather than just gettin a homepage which is full of half-cooked lies and actually be proud about it. One question to all such people would be as to "why has this sudden need to put yourself into this virtual world full of pea-brained perverts who would jerk off the minute they saw a picture of a girl, make its way into your mind and how can you actually be smug about it?"...i just hate to ponder over that!!
By this time half of you are already grossed out by the graphic descriptions given so far and are on the verge of throwin up. I agree, and so is the shit in which all of us have suddenly been thrust into by these hyped up "communities". Some may add that "usually this is the influence of the western culture"...also sayin that if things like this existed, people would opt for these things. then id wanna ask them, if u didnt opt for somethin like this in the first place, then why would somethin like this exist in the first place and even if it did, it would have to be shut down, wouldnt it?? Also, ask any guy whether he had gone through a girl's profile he didnt know, for all the obvious reasons...and wat answer do you get??BINGO..!
And now comin to some of the tricks of the trade ---- u know javascript??cool, then you can increase your fan count by how-much ever you want!! Scrapbook low on scraps??? javascript would help u there too!! want a funky profile??? let someone else design wat u can call ur "virtual self"...disgusting!! I say out with all the nonsense. If you are really that much into marketing yourself, y not go and look for a career in it rather than wastin your whole life tryin to be someones "fan"...and not to forget the comparisions between people about how many scraps have they had and how much their fan count is and so on....
The point here is simple...i am not advocating the removal of all the online communities...they can serve better purposes...but the point here as usual is...how much are we good enuf to actually make use of the technology that is given to us...or better yet...mould it around us rather than we dying to scrape and stick around it...Always remember, once this glass door that holds the so called virtual world breaks, not only do u take the plunge, but the glass pieces will not make it easy. So my advice to all yer fellas out there is to stop clingin on to these sites...mind u..i am not askin u to ditch them completely, just try to refrain from further addiction and you will realise the brighter side of life!!
Note : my first two sentences in this blog start off in a very positive way which doesnt withstand in the entirety of the blog, my sarcasm knows no bounds ;)
ok this one was pretty gud...
and i was kinda surprised, coz u did write well,
may b u shud have studied journalism....hmm...pretty bad u got no choice now...
who knows...maybe i do hav a choice!!
chill Mr. Neo!!
no 1 will say i'm not with you!
the thing is every1 are quite aware of it...
but one thing, the craze is only during the initial phases, when a person registers into it!! l8r on, after months, its as simple as an offline manager or msgnr or wateva... helping ppl, in d most trivial way, ofcourse!
tokin abt comminities... 75% are bullshit, but dont forget abt the gud ones... wch r a real gud help to ppl... we find people helpin each other, expecting nothing (except, may be a FAN icon, as u said, but not evry1...but who cares!!)
if v try to take it +vely, it wud be in this way...
i have seen many ppl, who have NILL idea abt computer, internet etc.. got introduced to them, jus because of ORKUT!! isn't it slowwwwwwwly increasing Computer-Literacy!! ;) lolz!!!!
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